Scouting and Rock Climbing are a natural pairing. Programs may be as simple as introducing scouts to a  true lifetime sport or as advanced as completing a badge. Scouts can choose from one of the programs listed below:


This option is for scouts who can provide their own belayer(s). All belayers must demonstrate competence and safety by passing a belay test at the Downingtown Rock Gym. Instruction will not be provided for belayers unless arrangements are made at time of reservation. If you would rather have a staff assisted package, then please visit our GROUP CLIMBING options.

  • Cost: $12/climber
  • Minimum size: 10 climbers
  • Includes: facility use and helmets. 
  • Rentals: harness: $4/ea; shoes: $5/pr 
  • Notes: Reservations are required. Must indicate arrival and departure times when making a reservation.

Please contact us for further details.

To check availability or book a scout climbing event, please call us at (610)873-9620.




  • Indoor program that completes all Rock Climbing Merit Badge skills.
  • Instructors are BSA approved merit badge counselors.
  • Includes harness, helmet, instruction, and Merit Badge application.
  • Two 3-hour sessions at $50 per climber.
    Minimum of 6 participating Scouts


  • Completes all climbing requirements for Boy Scout Merit Badge.
  • Includes harness, helmet, instruction, outdoor climbing gear and Merit Badge application.
  • 2-hour indoor session and 4-hour outdoor session at $70 per climber.
    Minimum of 6 participating Scouts

Climbing Adventure Badge

Daisies & Brownies

  • 1.5-hour program completes all requirements for Climbing Adventure Badges.
  • Includes harness (brownies only), helmet, and instruction.
  • $22 per climber. Minimum of 6 scouts.

Cadettes, Seniors & Ambassadors

  • 3-hour indoor program completes most requirements for Climbing Adventure Badges. Outdoor climbing is required to earn the badge; optional 4-hour outdoor add-on fulfills Cadette requirements.
  • Includes harness, helmet, and instruction.
  • $30 per climber for indoor portion only; $70 per climber for indoor + outdoor option. Minimum of 6 scouts.

To check availability or book a scout climbing event, please call us at (610)873-9620.


The BEST thing you can do to help your Scouts have a great climbing experience is to become a belayer!

Why should you belay for your Scout group?

  • Reduce the cost of climbing
  • Scouts can get more climbing time
  • More flexibility in scheduling
  • 2-hour program. Approximately 1.5 hour instruction and test. Half hour for practice and climbing! 2nd test may be required.
  • Includes harness and helmet rental
  • Minimum of 5 participants. Must be 16 years or older.
  • $20 per participant.
  • Successful completion allows Troops and Packs to be Self-Instructed Groups.

To check availability or book a scout climbing event, please call us at (610)873-9620.

> FAQs

We offer programs for both Boy Scout and Girl Scouts. This can include group climbing events for fun, leader training or badge work.

Generally, if the Council is offering the program then they will handle registration and payment. We will deliver the program for them. Please contact the Council for more information.

Yes, we will have all required insurances certification on file with the local council. We will also have merit badge counselors, or equivalent, registered as required.

Maybe. Scouts require a certain level of training to teach climbing skills. We also require certain certifications and training to deliver technical instruction. It is best to call the gym to clarify.


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Two Great Locations

Downingtown Rock Gym Logo

3853 Old Easton Rd Doylestown, PA 18902

Downingtown Rock Gym Logo

462 Acorn Lane Downingtown, PA 19335


JAN 20
12 -10pm

See you then!

We will be
on Sept 2nd!

Hang in there! We will be open the next day!